Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting at work. I was looking at all of the stuff that I have to try and get done by Friday. I was feeling overwhelmed and a bit overworked. As I moved papers from one side of my desk to the other, visions of Venice went through my mind. It made me want to go back. To just drop everything and head on back. Stay at the same hotel and re-live those days all over. Except this time, Buddy would be with me too. Here a few weeks ago I posted on how slow Venice was and how I would only like it for a little bit. Now I sit here and realize that I would like it for longer. You see, we would all wake up and have a LONG breakfast, with no where to really go. We would just walk and walk and then have a LONG lunch with either a Belini, or a glass of wine. Then a LONG walk back to the hotel. I would actually take a nap. Yes, I would actually take a nap. I have never napped in my life. Then we would meet back down at the Lobby and go have a LONG dinner. The ...