It took me over 20 hours to finish it, but I am finally done! Kai's new costume is rhinestoned, and I do mean rhinestoned. Let's see, between the costume and the bracelets that I made. This costume has about 38 gross of rhinestones. Once I started the bodice, I realized that I was going to need more. I had to order another 9 gross. I have about a gross left for any that might pop off. I think this costume just might sparkle, just maybe.
The bodice is completely covered in Jet Black Swarovski's and the colored stones are mixed in.
The skirt is also stoned on top and underneath, although those are spread out a little more than on the bodice.
I made three roses, but I'm not sure if she will use all three. Made one of each color just in case.
I made these six bracelets out of 20ss stones. It took almost five gross of stones for all six bracelets. But boy do they sparkle.

Now that her costume is done, she needs to really clean it up in the next two weeks. She will compete it at Encore in a few weeks. Like I said in the post before....MY job is done, it's now up to Kai for the rest.