My intention for my blog was to document so much of our days and lives. And yet, I have let months go by without one little entry. There is no way my mind can remember everything that has happened since my last post. So much missed. The majority of Kai's 8th grade year, and the majority of Nachito's 5th grade year. Not to mention how many holidays and important events I have missed. Trips and of course Birthday parties. Somehow I need to find the time to record these events, and even if I have to back date them, I will document them at some point.
This week is a tough school week for the kids. AIMS testing for both of them. Today they both felt very good about how they did.
Nothing much has changed in Kai's world. She still dances, still competes, and she is still very much into fashion. Probably a little more now.
Nachito had a rough Fall/Winter with his allergies and his Asthma, but now that Spring is here, he is feeling a lot better. He still loves his video games, and although we have been trying to be a little stricter about them, he still manages to earn gaming time by reading or helping Buddy outside.
Just last month Kai and I filled out her High School paperwork, and I had a knot in my throat the whole time. It was surreal for me. I honestly don't know where all this time has gone. I know that the next four years will just fly by. Right now she is in the process of getting ready for her BIG 8th grade promotion dance, her BIG 8th grade field trip, and her promotion ceremony. Like any little Fashionista, all must be perfect for these events. Yes, even her field trip to Sunsplash. Oh geez, what will High School be like? It's lucky for her that she has a dad like Buddy that consents to every single request.
Last Friday Nachito came home with his Middle School packet, and again, lump in throat. Fortunatley for me, he is not as high maintenance as his sister. God knew what he was doing when he sent me only one girl.
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