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Showing posts from December, 2008

The Industry

Ever since Kassie was a little girl, she would always ask if she could be on T.V. She has always like the whole "Hollywood" thing. I guess she gets it from me. I have always watched all the shows with the celebrity gossip and she has along with me. I had avoided her questions for a very long time. Finally a few months age, she brought it up again. I finally decided to send in her picture to some agencies. Luckily, she was signed a few weeks ago. These are the first photos of her real photo shoot with a real photographer. Some of these might end up on her Zed card, I'm not sure which ones. I don't have a say in the matter. You see, when you sign up for this, you kind of lose your right to these choices. The photographer took over 120 picutes and I just posted a few of them. I hope that she does well, and I hope that she does'nt get her feelings hurt. This "Industry" can be pretty gruesome and that is the last thing I want for her. I have to...

Christmas 2008

Fernie and Buddy Mom, Chanel, Justin, Alyssa and Wendy Justin, Wendy and Fernie Devon My little princess "Chanel" Nicholas, Kai, Devon and De Kai Kai bad picture, just the backs of everyone It is tradition, we always host Christmas Eve at our house. Buddy does all the cooking. That is no surprise to anyone. Buddy always does all the cooking at our house. He always makes a great meal that we enjoy. This year, it was a small gathering. The kids opened some presents early, and enjoyed hanging out. Thank you all for coming, it was real nice.

Party Boy or Girl???

Tatum, Jillian and Kai Kolton, Kai, Jillian and Amber Kai and Jillian Year one - Angel Year two - Angel Year three - Angel and party boy Year four - Angel and girl!! Again, it's one of those things. Kai and her dreams/wishes. TDA sponsors the childrens cast auditons for the Nutcracker ballet with the Moscow ballet. Four years ago, she auditioned to be in the show. She was originally cast as a snowflake. She is very small for her age, and she was the same size as all of the snowflakes. After rehearsals started, she was changed to an angel. She was happy. When we went to the show, she saw all the different characters. She fell in love with the party scene. She wanted so bad to be a party girl. The next year, she was cast an Angel...again. Well, maybe next year she said. Then as she does every year, she cut her hair in August and donated it to Locks of Love. Nutcracker auditions came around, she knew she was old enough to be in the party scene, but she was cast as ...

Christmas Show 2008

Elizabeth, Kai and Mary Elizabeth, Mary and Kai Maya and Kai Jillian, Kai, Maya and Mary Kai as one of Santas Elfs Jillian, Kai and Dani Ali, Kai, Dani and Jillian Tatum, Kai, Ali, and Mckenna The costumes have been added to the costume closet, the props are back in storage, and the cast party has past. All after long months of preparation. It's a funny feeling when you walk into TDA in August, and hear Christmas music coming from the dance rooms. At the time, it just seems like forever untill the Christmas show. And then, all of sudden, there you are at dress rehearsal. This year, dress rehearsal was something to see. Costumes everywhere, kids running into each other, kids missing in numbers because they were downstairs playing. One particular number, "Santas Elf" number was especially amusing. Had I had a video camera, it would be a You Tube sensation by now. And yet, after all the mistakes and craziness of dress rehearsal, the shows are amazing. These kids, (and I ...

Red and Sparkly

2005 2006 2007 2008 This is Kassie's fourth year in the Spirit of Christmas Show. Looking back at the photos, she has changed a lot. When I look at the first photo, the one in 2005. That is when she first fell in love with dance. She was new to this, it was her first year in the Christmas show, and it was her first year dancing full time at Tempe Dance Academy. She was nine years old, and most of the girls that were nine, had been dancing for years. She was so new, that she was dancing with girls much younger than her. She was in three numbers. Because she was only in three numbers, we could leave right after her last number, but no...Kassie did not want to leave. Why? Because of the finale number. They came out in these Red Sparkly Dresses and danced a latin number. She was amazed at this number. She had to see the finale number every single time. She wanted one of those Red Sparkly Dresses so bad. She wanted to know how she could have one of those Red Sparkly Dresses. The f...

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is............... Sometimes we tend to forget the real meaning of Christmas. I know that I am guilty of that myself. Every morning as I watch the news, I can't help but wonder how many families will be struggling to put food on the table, and maybe grab a gift or two for their children. How many names will still be hung on the "angel trees" at the mall? Will there be enough food at the food banks this year? Who knows the answers? All I know is that this year, my Christmas will be a lot more about family and less about the over indulgence of gifts. I wonder if children have an idea about what is going on in this world. Neither of my kids have really asked for anything. I realized that this weekend. I asked them to give me their list and neither one had one ready. Last year, I was given Kai's list in a Power Point presentation. And, yes, she did really make her list on Power Point. Kids and technology these days... When I got home ...

Three years apart..

I often wonder how things in the Lopez household would be if Nachito and Kassie were closer in age. Or even further in age. Three years seems to be pretty normal. However, they don't seem to agree. You see, every minute of every day, these two fight. And when I say fight, I mean fight. Sure as you look at the pictures of the two, they seem so lovable towards each other. They are NOT. I have to laugh at some of the things that come out of their mouths. And then there is the silent fighting. The looks, the pinches, the silent hitting until one goes to far and the scream follows. You see unlike them, I never had a sibling close to my age. Yes we fought, but never like this. I always ask friends that have siblings close in age or children close in age if this type of behavior is normal. And you know what they say.....YES! Hallelujah!! I thought I was the only one with fighting siblings. People also tell me that in time, these two will be the best of friends. Well, time....hurry up plea...

Thanksgiving 2008

Pelona and Mom (aka Nana Norma and most recently Granny) The Romo Family Me with Buddy ( I hate pictures!) Oscar and Ana Wendy and Fernie (parents to Justin, Nicholas and Alyssa) Maribel, Fernando, Nachito, Nicholas, and Justin De and Kassandra (aka Kai Kai) Nicheli and Hector (parents of Alessandra) Alyssa, Alessandra and Devon (aka "The Munchkins") Gaby and Sylvia (aka Gabbers another munchkin and Nana Bambo) Mr. and Mrs. Warga Jose and Johanna Maribel, Fernie and Sal (aka Buddy) Ana and Nubia Gloria (aka Pelona) and Hayde (aka De) also mother to Devon One more holiday come and gone. Why, why does time go so fast? Just last week I was stressing out about cooking for so many people. It was Tuesday, and had yet to go to the grocery store. So typical of me, save everything for the last minute. I am sure that most who know me, are not surprised by this fact. You still love me....right? Thankfully, this year I had all my family at this blessed holiday. My mom, my two sister...