I don't quite know, but I like it. Lately, I have been going to Boba Tea House on Warner and Dobson. For those of us that live on the east side, we know that the three corners on Warner and Dobson have any Asian store that you can think of. It is located right next to LeeLee's market. That is where I buy my fortune cookies that I dip with chocolate and candy sprinkles. And speaking of those fortune cookies, Valentines Day is just around the corner, time to make some more of those. Anyhow, back to the Boba Tea. They have so many flavors, my favorites are the milk based ones. I love the coconut tea and the almond tea. I also like them blended. The tapioca pearls get real cold like that. And since I'm in the area, I like to stop by Lee's Sandwich shop and pick up these cute little creme stuffed pastries that taste so good with the tea. So, if you are intrigued as to how this tea tastes, find yourself a Boba Tea house and have a taste. I think you will enjoy.